2012 Annual meeting & Barbeque Aug. 4th 1:00 to 4:00

Hi Folks,
The boat parade was a success! Thank you to those put it together and the companies that donated the prizes! August 4th, 2012 between 1:00 and 4:00 we will be holding the annual meeting and barbeque at the Leighton farm 386 Lower bay road. Bring a dish and R.S.V.P either John Olmsted 528-3129 or Andrea Damato at 387-3682 we all look forward to seeing you. Don Foudreat will be speaking on the recent D.E.S. study the was done by the town on the water shed area and there will be elections of officers with a short meeting.

Hope you can attend!

Earl L. Leighton President

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